
November 10, 2009

MahtieBush vs Task1ne @ The Blue Lamp Sacramento,CA

MahtieBush vs Task1ne pt.1

MahtieBush vs Task1ne pt.2

Ok first off, Task1ne is the homie from Sacramento,CA and we are cool so please dont get that shit twisted....The only reason this battle happend is because another "Rapper" WOULD NOT Battle me...I called out someone else and they didint want it...Now Task1ne Called me out at a show @ Capitol Garage and I jumped on stage hyped as hell...But we had to wait cause the home R.I. had to still do his show...But me and my girl decided to leave because we where both hungry as hell and it had been a long day...SO! As we are sitting at ihop I get a message from Wyzdom saying "Task just called you out on the mic! Where you at!?" Im like really? WOW...ok next time I see him we gonna have to battle...Now Chase Me and Cawzlos decided to throw a Emcee battle with locals...I went to vegas after it was all worked out who was gonna battle who and THEN FUZE ENT some how became apart of this...HOW? I think because they where throwing a show with the Sandpeople who Illmaculate (A very well known and respected Battle Rapper) is apart of and a homie of Chase Moore...Either way the battle was on and now you can see whats up...


  1. who do you think is dope enough to battle IRON SOLOMON?!

  2. Iorn Solomon? aww man ima go with Dumbfounded all day!
